Can't Remember Dick by Candice Gilmer

Can't Remember Dick by Candice Gilmer

Author:Candice Gilmer [Gilmer, Candice]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Flirtation Publishing


“So what did I do?” I shifted on the barstool in the kitchen, making myself comfortable as I took a bite out of the sandwich that was probably two inches tall. “Oh wow…”

“You like it?” Adrian asked.

“This is amazing. I don’t think I have ever had such an amazing sandwich.” I took another bite of the monster thing. “You could make serious money at this. Open up a little side business and cater these.” I fanned the sandwich open, but I didn’t see anything strange on it—it was a meat, cheese, and veggie sandwich.

“The secret is the ingredients. We grow most of our own vegetables, buy the meat directly from the slaughterhouse, and the bread is fresh baked.”

“I could seriously take up gardening if I knew it would make such awesome food.”

“We have done it for so long ourselves, it seemed natural.” He took a bite and wiped the drip from the fresh tomato off his chin. “Besides, processed food makes us sick.”

I blinked at him. “Processed food?”

“With all those additives and such? The things put in food currently to make bigger, better food is not good for the immortal human.”

“What does it do to you?” I asked. Though I almost said “us” because, well, I guessed I was one of them too. The proof, or lack of it, was on my arm—no mark of any kind from the slice Ewan had given me.

“For one thing, it goes straight through us. When McDonald’s first came around, I had to try one of those Big Macs. They looked so good. And I spent an evening in the bathroom because I was so sick.”

I got to thinking about it. Fast food, while I loved it, never sat well with me, either. “Huh.”

Though I wasn’t going to admit that right away.

I took another bite of my sandwich—holy moly it was awesome.

“Do you get sick when you eat fast food or processed food?”

I shrugged.

He raised his eyebrow.

“I’m not sharing my bathroom problems with you.”

He tapped his nose. “Try eating organic. You’ll feel better.”

“Sure. If I cooked, I would.” I savored another bite. “You didn’t answer my question,” I said after swallowing some water. And hell, even that was good.

“What question?”

“So what did I do with you guys? Was I the office assistant?” I asked. I wasn’t the best at it, but I could certainly alphabetize with the best of them. “I always was good with files and stuff like that.”

Adrian snorted. “Not exactly. You were on the front lines, right there with us.”

“Me?” I asked. “I’m not a warrior.”

“You have the training.” He pointed at my head. I pulled away, thinking he was going to poke me or something. Or get that sandwich spread in my hair. “It is all in there, you just have to unlock it all.”

“What if I don’t want to? Can’t say that being a warrior is a very appealing prospect. Blood and guts and scary monsters. No junk food. You’re not a very good salesman.”

“It is not exactly a sale, more like a reminder.


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